IP leasing fee escrow

@Sebohe here is my very incomplete sketch of the IP leasing fee escrow contract

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

import "../installed_contracts/zeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "../installed_contracts/tokens/contracts/eip20/EIP20Interface.sol";

contract RenewalFeeEscrow {
    using SafeMath for uint;
    EIP20Interface public token;

    mapping (address => uint) accountsReceivable;

    mapping (address => mapping (address => Bill)) billMapping;
    mapping (address => address[]) payersOfPayee;
    mapping (address => address[]) payeesOfPayer;

    bytes32 hashroot;

    struct Bill {
        uint account;
        uint perBlock;
        uint lastUpdated;

    function addBill (address _payableTo) external {


    function collectMyBills () internal {
        for (uint i = 0; i < payersOfPayee[msg.sender].length; i++) {
            address payer = payersOfPayee[msg.sender][i];

            Bill bill = billMapping[payer][msg.sender];
            uint blocksSinceUpdate = block.number.sub(bill.lastUpdated);
            uint amountOwed = blocksSinceUpdate.mul(bill.perBlock);

            bill.lastUpdated = block.number;

            // If they have enough to pay the bill in full
            if (amountOwed <= accounts[payer]) {
                // Debit their account and credit my account by amountOwed
                accounts[payer] = accounts[payer].sub(amountOwed);
                accounts[msg.sender] = accounts[msg.sender].add(amountOwed);
            } else {
                // Transfer remainder of their account to my account
                accounts[msg.sender] = accounts[msg.sender].add(accounts[payer]);
                accounts[payer] = 0;

    function payMyBills () internal {
        for (uint i = 0; i < payeesOfPayer[msg.sender].length; i++) {
            address payee = payeesOfPayer[msg.sender][i];

            Bill bill = billMapping[msg.sender][payee];
            uint blocksSinceUpdate = block.number.sub(bill.lastUpdated);
            uint amountOwed = blocksSinceUpdate.mul(bill.perBlock);

            bill.lastUpdated = block.number;

            // If I have enough to pay the bill in full
            if (amountOwed <= accounts[msg.sender]) {
                // Debit my account and credit their account by amountOwed
                accounts[msg.sender] = accounts[msg.sender].sub(amountOwed);
                accounts[payee] = accounts[payee].add(amountOwed);
            } else {
                // Transfer remainder of my account to their account
                accounts[msg.sender] = 0;
                accounts[payee] = accounts[payee].add(accounts[msg.sender]);


  1. Make deposit into escrow for specific subnetDAO
  2. Make collectMyBills work
  3. Make withdrawing money from specific subnetDAO escrow work, with remainder of bill paid correctly before money comes out